Author: zz@marlborough

Ceramic Pots

Marlborough Nursery works with our European supplier to create a range of trendy ceramic pots that suit the current interior designs. These are changing all the time to keep them on point.

Marlborough Nursery’s ceramic pots are made specifically to fit our growing pots in 90mm, 120mm, 140mm and 180mm.

  • 90mm Aegir Blue
  • 90mm Aegir Brown
  • 90mm Dott white
  • 90mm Durmitor Beige
  • 90mm Kent Duo
  • 90mm Kent Grey
  • 90mm Kimi Blue
  • 90mm Patagonia Pink
  • 90mm Selma Blue
  • 90mm Vicky Grey
  • 120mm Alice Black
  • 140mm Kent Black
  • 140mm Kent Grey
  • 140mm Kent White
  • 180mm Kent White
  • 180mm Patagonia White